10 Tips For Students Chasing their Dreams
Facing a global pandemic and witnessing the closing of corporations, can be indeed quite scary. New professions invented every day, appears that everything you were studying for was in vain. Possibilities to start an internship, traineeship digitally, from our home and sometimes even bedroom, how are we even going to stand out?
On the other hand,
I think this is a beautiful time for you to take a deep breath and open your mind. Times like this allow you to be retrospective and ensure that your future decision will be closer to what you think is correct, yes I said closer because it’s a process that might take some time, however, being closer to it is better than not being at all.
You can choose if this pandemic will affect you negatively or no. Watching the media daily, it’s still your decision. Media can always inform you without falling into a Covid-19 YouTube algorithm, the so-called “rabbit hole” — If this pandemic affected you personally my apologies and fast recovery.
There is plenty of ways if you are a student or post-graduate to don’t lose hope and keep creating value for yourself. Digital offers a lot of channels, organically, where you can share your points of view and even help others. It’s an exciting time to be creative and open-minded, bellow I will leave Ten Tips for the ones who are currently in search for a job, internship, traineeship or even entrepreneurs.
- Recruiters, start-ups or major corporations are going to hire you because of what you are, not only the knowledge you possess.
- Be open-minded, and with your characteristics, see where you can fit in a team even if your studies background does not match — Adapt.
- Do not let society choose a job for you; be the one choosing it.
- Pressure will only rush into bad decisions, evaluate the offer and don’t be afraid to say no.
- Dig into the corporations you are trying to work for; Ensure their values and beliefs match yours. You don’t want to be working for a brand that prioritizes money, for instance, if the final product is the result of child labour when what you prioritize is humanity.
- You are struggling to find “the perfect” job, but meanwhile, you have some savings or a part-time, perfect, use that time constructively and create value for yourself.
- Establish daily/weekly goals, read new books; it’s great to borrow someone’s minds and see the world from their perspective.
- Write a journal and evaluate your progression. Be faithful to that journal, or in the end, you will be lying to yourself.
- Be disciplined with your routine; the more free time doesn’t need to be equal to more unproductivity.
- Do a new thing every day, broaden your horizons, write, listen to new music, talk to a new person, make an original recipe; Anything that will make you feel better.
You are still in complete control of your future, don’t let outside circumstances dictate your life. Have faith in your journey and work on yourself every day regardless of your life situation.
I am writing this article, and I am still a student. Meanwhile, I will not let anybody or anything decide my future for me.
To wrap it up, this was my 30th blog article in thirty days, and I am enjoying this process so much that I will extend to a year, thank you for the few of you that show me support everyday!