A Better Understanding of The Ego!
Hello everyone, first I want to thank some of you who been supporting me and giving me feedback. It is a great feeling to know someone is reading and feel touched with some of the themes.
Today I want to write about a theme that I have been paying more attention lately and I want to know more about it, to be more conscious and not so self-centred — The theme is Our Ego.
I have been told a few times before, “oh, you and your big EGO!”, “let your ego behind…”.
What do you think when you hear these words? Well, in my mind, these words meant that I was being too proud, or too cocky. The years passed, and my perception of Ego changed a little bit.
Ego, for me, is about being conscient. Having or showing consciousness or awareness.
It is something that I believe if anyone can master, will find the true meaning of life. I would be lying to you if I said I can master it. I am far beyond mastering it because I am still trying to learn the true meaning of it and be aware of what I am today and understand where I can change.
So, help me here? How can the Ego affect our life?
For me, the ego can affect our life, because if we don’t learn how to “fight” our ego we will be more concerned about trying to be always right and not wrong, instead of just accept what is right.
Having a big ego can truly make a person unhappy, can you imagine how unhappy is someone that all his/her life is just trying to be right … Trying to be a step ahead so they can just show they know more and they do more. In my opinion, this is a true meaning of being unhappy. When we learn something new, we should be able to teach what we’ve learned it, not just showing that we know more than the other person.
Having a big ego is being attached to things, seeing yourself in everything you possess. Thinking that without those “things” you are out of identity, you are not the same person.
Let me explain this through an example, back in 2014 I bought a Sportif car, a Peugeot Rcz, they were super rare where I used to live. Having that car, gave me power, status, confidence, presence, image. My personality was being built around A CAR. So, every day I was concerned that someone might steal that beautiful, Sportif car and my persona would not exist anymore, people wouldn’t look at me like if I was the cool guy, that found a way to succeed in life.
I remembered my father asking me if I could borrow the car, and I had second thoughts about it, “Maybe he will scratch it …”, “maybe he will not lock the doors and someone will steal it.”, “I don’t think it’s a good idea…”. Looking back at it, how damaged was I. Who cares? It’s just a car mate! Yeah but back then, was THE CAR!
I am glad to say, that back then I could also analyze my situation, and understood that me and the car, we are two different things. So, I sold the car.
Ego can be present in every human being, regardless of status, education, gender, age and will be moulded as we grow older. Did you ever realize how peaceful, kind and generous old people are? You think that happens just because they got old and their life is ending? I don’t think so, I think it’s because they separate themselves from their ego, and they understood what’s really valuable. Not their looks, not their belongings, or money. However, I will not generalize here because I believe not everyone will experience this, unfortunately, and some people will die unhappy.
Well, guys, this was my opinion and understanding of ego, feel free to comment below or text me with your opinion. I do not believe I am a font of wisdom and I am willing to have a good discussion with you.
Thank you very much and wish you a wonderful day!