Don’t Just Sit There! Start your Self Introspection
This last month I have been introspective and question a lot myself. Questions such as:
· What have I done lately that makes me proud?
· What in this moment makes me happy?
· What in this moment I don’t like in myself?
· What changes would I like to see in my life?
For the ones who are reading my blog for the first time, I have no expertise in the writing field, and I decided to challenge myself about writing every day, once per day, as long as I feel like it.
It is an activity inspired by Seth Godin, which I have been following a lot, and I will write spontaneously about whatever I am feeling or an episode that occurred on my routine that I think it is worth to mention.
I will answer for the first time the questions I mention above, no editing, just what I feel right now, where my life is and what I can be better at, or just change it.
· What have I done lately that make me proud?
In my personal life, something that makes me really proud is re-establishing my relationship with my older brother, and be able to look into his eyes and laugh with him, it was something that I was really proud of and left a super weight off my shoulders. This anger I had about life decisions he made and not being the old brother, I aspired to, finally vanished. And I remember the exact time, where all changed. I was back in my hometown to see my family, and like every time I return home, I took my family to have dinner. While we were having dinner I was observing my brother, and gradually accepting who he is, and while he was speaking I just laughed with him, I can’t even put into words the feeling I had that time, it was magical, it was growing up.
We are not the best friends now, but I accept who he is and I respect him as my older brother.
· What in this moment makes me happy?
What makes me the happiest now is knowing that I am always willing to make some changes, evolving as a human being, being inspired and humble enough to recognize where I can grow and curious to go deep in knowledge.
I believe progression is the key to happiness, as long as I have this belief, I will always try to be a better version of myself, personally, professionally and spiritually.
· What in this moment I don’t like about myself?
I don’t like my professional situation, also because I haven’t found what, professionally, makes me the happiest. But I know that I love to be evolved in projects, of all kind, so that’s a beginning. I discovered marketing was a topic extremely interesting for me, and I also found out that working as a freelancer is not my goal.
My goal is being independent and making money while I sleep. Let me clarify this last part, I don’t want to be a millionaire, I want to have total control of my life.
· What changes would I like to see my life?
I want to put my words into action, achieve the challenges I put in front of me as a starter.
I want to be able to visualize what I want to achieve in my life and getting up to do it. I want to be as healthy as possible, to trust myself and finally, I want to have a voice. I don’t want to be scared of saying what’s on my mind, I don’t want to be scared to talk to a crowd, we all have value in ourselves and I hope I can find my true value, accept it and show to the world.
I didn’t want to go really deep in these questions, so I just mention a few things, but at the same time things that I find extremely important.
I did this exercise for the first time while I am writing this, and cant wait to re-read it in a few months and see what I am at and do it again… Hope you guys can find some motivation to do this exercise as well, and again, my apologies for any mistake as a writer, it’s a field that I am trying to improve and all criticism is good for me. So feel free to comment and share your thoughts.
Thank you very much for you who read it and see you tomorrow!