Finding my Voice
Hello guys and welcome to my next shit show, a show where I am slowly finding my voice and realize that I can also have an opinion and just share it.
As you can see I add a little bit of sarcasm, and sometimes I apologize as I write the reason why is because I am just speaking my heart out and making no corrections. Grammarly tells me to correct shit all the time, but I still don't!
The reason I created this blog in the first place, is because lately I have been listening and reading a lot of Seth Godin, for those who don’t know who Seth Godin is, please Google you stupid fuck. Crazy that I just realized who he was a few weeks ago, but well doesn't matter. I started to listen to a lot of his stuff because I wanted to go deeper in marketing and thought that would be wise to listen to the marketing Godfather, he might know something that I don’t know, which I highly doubt. However, what touched me the most, was when he said everyone should have a blog and just write every day.
We should be entitled to a voice, and all this time I was scared of showing my voice. If I am scared to show my voice, it means that I do give a fuck of what other people think and that’s crazy! That’s not me, because I truly don't give a fuck what other people think! However, I was not speaking my truth.
So as an exercise to slowly start my writing journey, I decided to write every single day, for 365 days, my blog journal. A place where I am going to speak about what happened in my daily life, and opinions that I have that might be completely off, but hey, who cares?! Nobody reads this shit anyway!
Hopefully, with this exercise, I can be a bit more articulated, I can start writing, I can have one person reading, I can change someone life, I can even meet the cyberlove of my life … Who knows? The important thing is, I am doing something about it, and I hope you start doing as well, you fuck!
As always I will keep this short, because you probably have something better to do, and real shit to learn.