Having Faith is the Key to Succeed
It’s all about the mindset.
As most of you know, who reads my blog, I love to support my titles with examples I have seen or lived throughout my life.
And today, I have a powerful story, that I thought I would never use as an example or even remember it. But lately, I have been retrospective.
If we look back on our past, we will find a lot of answers to our present.
I was thinking about a theme, and while doing it, a great memory popped up.
The story I am about to write happened when I was only a teenager. Back then, I had this small group of friends, and our main activity was playing football. We all played in the same football club but also on the streets of my little hometown.
In our group, we were all kind of talented, but there was this guy, his name was Ricardo, he was chubby and not that talented, he played mostly as a goalkeeper.
Ricardo, the goalkeeper
Ricardo, while playing as a goalkeeper was always trying to go forward with the ball, eventually he would lose the ball, and the other team would score. His team players would be upset and shout at him to stay in his position.
He couldn’t care less about our opinion, so he kept on doing it. Eventually, he started getting better at it, and even scoring a few goals as a keeper.
Training like a Maniac
In our teenagerhood, none of us had cell phones, so we would arrange an hour to meet in front of the school, and there, we had a big sidewalk where we could use rocks as a landmark and play for hours.
Every day we would get there, Ricardo was already practising for hours, shooting the ball as hard as he could against the wall, running as if someone was chasing him down, making push-ups and abs till exhausting. Ricardo made a statement. He wanted to become better than all of us.
We called him crazy
As teenagers, we were not aware of what he was doing. For us, you born talented other you don’t, so we just called him “crazy”.
In our brains, we were better than him, and nothing you can do will change it.
Now, looking back, he revealed an extraordinary mindset for someone with only 13 years old. He was the chubby always chosen to be the goalkeeper, so he decided to work hard, more than any of us and developed technical and physical skills.
Achieved the unachievable, and none of his friends was even close to that level. Ricardo never had the respect he deserved. We labelled him as crazy, when, in fact, he should have been our true inspiration and role model.
The recognition
Unfortunately, we were not mature enough to support him, which made it difficult for him to keep that mindset. He became fat again.
Ricardo, I must tell you that what you did was remarkable, and even if you didn’t inspire me back then, you inspired me right now. And hey, I am even writing about you. We went on different ways, but I could still find his social media and found out that he became a cross-fit practitioner and, a great inspiration for a lot of people. I am happy to know that you found faith again; you are doing what you love and inspire others. You made it my friend, congratulations!
Go beyond your limits
A powerful mindset makes us delusional. In a certain way, it is, because we become so focus on being a better version of ourselves that we go beyond our natural capabilities to achieve it.
Not everyone will recognize this state of mind. People will think you are crazy, and that’s ok. In their own time, they will understand. But not yet. However, you keep doing what you want and love to do and keep improving yourself in a way that will “blow” people’s mind.
In the end, faith will prevail, and your story will inspire someone!
The success of a great mindset is not just implementing a better routine and try to be a better version of ourselves. The success of a great philosophy is not giving up and have faith that everything will happen the way you envisioned.
Have faith in your abilities, have faith in your decisions, have faith in your journey!