Just writing about whatever the fuck!

Pedro Teixeira
3 min readOct 6, 2020


Today while listening hours of Seth Godin on SoundCloud, I had so many “Hell yes” moments. Working in this tiny warehouse with a small team, I was lucky enough to be granted the access of listening whatever I wanted while working, so I thought nothing better than being a little bit enlightened by the great Seth Godin while doing something that I totally don’t like but at the same time necessary because I need to pay my studies.
Seth Godin story is so motivating, but there was one thing that stuck on the back of my brain, and I couldn’t get rid of it till I started writing. And that’s what I am doing because what he said was, we should all write, and post it. It’s free, and it’s our thoughts, and we can look back one day and see how much we progressed. Damn, that is so true, took me 28 years old and a day listening to a podcast to realize this, shame on me. But well its never too late, so I decided just to write what’s on my mind and don’t give a f*** what people think while they read it, because it is true, I am not a great writer, but I do think I have a good life story, hopefully, one day I can gain some courage and have my own podcast. Till then I will write a bit if you don’t mind.
Well, I am a normal Portuguese guy with 28 years old, a good sense of humour, currently doing my bachelor’s in music management without understanding shit about music, but on the positive side, I came across digital marketing, I don’t know if it will be my ultimate passion, but I have to be honest I kinda like this stuff.
Meanwhile, I am working at the same time, as a freelancer, in everything that comes across, I honestly don’t care, just thinking about the money coming in, can be hospitality, warehouse, whatever…
Thinks that I am good at well, I am quite good using dating apps, not that I consider myself good looking, but let’s say that I posted the right pictures, I did good marketing on myself.
Currently enjoying my single life and losing hope in any type of relations. This dating apps are becoming too good to give up on them that easy.
I think I forgot to mention the place that I am writing right now, well I am in Amsterdam! Yes, Amsterdam, this amazing place where rain became my closest friend! Goshhh I still don’t know why I keep doing these things to myself, but life thought me to suffer so I could get stronger, so that’s what I am doing, getting this rain on my face every day so life teaches me how to be strong, or no!
Well, a bit more about myself, I lived in 3 fucking different countries, always trying to find myself and the only thing I find is my pockets getting empty and my face getting older, but well I am not giving up on this pursuit of finding myself.
And the countries you ask? SORRY, my bad I have this tendency of getting “lost” easily, I lived in Switzerland and Australia, do not ask me why, because I also don’t know. Let’s say, that I was the type of guy that thought being impulsive and do stuff was the shit. Well, to be honest, I don’t agree with that older version of myself, but I don’t regret also, I collected some adventures, freezing toes and crazy ex-girlfriends.
Australia was kind of cool, to be honest, but I was always a bit scared of the fact of being too far, pussy I know, but well like the old saying “we are what we eat”.
Guys my apologies, I hope you understand a bit of my stupid sense of humour, I feel like I already did a bit of my writing, and hopefully, Seth Godin will never see this.
Thank you for reading and I hope you can do a bit of your writing too!



Pedro Teixeira
Pedro Teixeira

Written by Pedro Teixeira

If you come in seek of knowledge let me stop you right there! Just joking, welcome aboard and join me on my daily writing …

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