Start Challenging Yourself Every Day
Sometimes we are caught up in our routines and becomes easy, so we forget to challenge ourselves.
I am not going to lie, I felt on that trap over and over again. Sometimes I ended up just waiting for a challenge instead of creating one myself. Like, oh I cant wait to school to begin so I can think about another project, or I am too busy with work, I don’t have time for anything else… I think this happens to everyone, even the brightest minds in the world.
So my opinion is, we shouldn’t wait for projects to fall on our feet, we shouldn’t wait for someone to deliver us a task, We Can Create Them Ourselves. As an example, right now I have the task of every single day, right about something, and the challenge is, every day I have to think about something to write, so Immediately my brain starts analysing hypotheses and themes. And this is just an example, your brain can be challenged in a lot of different ways, start reading a new book, think about something a friend of yours complained lately and how could you create a product/service to help him/her.
What I have been discovering lately if I challenge myself daily, my brain is starting to get used to this way of thinking and my brain wants to immediately solve problems and create solutions. Let’s think for a second, the people that you idolatrize right now, the brightest people in the world, they are not always right, they were not always recognized as “greats”, but they are constantly challenging themselves and trying to solve problems. And once in a while those problems that they solved happen to be incredibly relevant for humanity, which is great. And you, you can be that person, if your mindset changes and your brain start working in a different way.
Don’t wish to be great, start wishing to help someone instead and if that leads you to greatness, good for you. I will quote from someone right now, but I don’t know who’s these words belong to, but the other day I read “Before you start thinking about being a great professional, try to be a great person”, take some time, and think about this sentence. When I read it, made complete sense to me, and I am trying to implement it in my life. I am doing my Bachelor in Music Management, and I was so focused on acquiring knowledge that I was not seeing the bigger picture, working on myself.
Since I start working on myself and having these new challenges daily and have the feedback of a few friends that I am sharing my blog with, that is fulfilling and a great start. The other day, someone asked me why I was writing the blog and if I wanted to be a writer. My answer was no, I want to challenge my brain daily and if I can help one person with my words, that will make me happy. My goal is not having claps, or views or monetize it, my goal is that my words can put someone on the track that I think is the best.
This is it, for now, enjoy your Sunday and don’t forget to do something new.
Thank you