The Richest Person I’ve Met

Pedro Teixeira
4 min readOct 23, 2020

The story I bring you today happened in 2013 when I was working in Switzerland, the mountains. Better if I call it the Mountains from now one, once it became a considerable reference lately on my articles.

Back in the Mountains, I was working as a bellman, for the ones who don’t know who the bellman is, it’s the guy or girl who’s welcoming you when you travel to those fancy hotels. Yes, because only fancy hotels or resorts use bellman. Otherwise, it’s the old politic DIY. As a bellman, I had several tasks. Besides welcoming guests, for instance, I had to ensure the “garbage house” was cleaned to the deepest. For me, the most challenging part was balancing the smell I could bring to the reception. On the other hand, it helped me get more tips. I am quite positive they wanted me to buy more pungent perfume.

The brightest people in this world did not manage the hotel, but as a 20-year-old guy moving from my country for the first time, I was happy with any scenario. Another task assembled to me was parking their robust cars, wooooow. I still remember that the first cars I entered, I would take 30 minutes to find the “Start” button. The car owners would stare at me from the couches on the reception with a “wtf” expression on their face. Every time the engine would start was a feeling of relief. Yes, I don’t have to go back to the reception and ask that asshole who’s looking at me like I am about to destroy his precious thing to teach me how to start that damn car!

But to be honest, not everyone was an asshole. That was just my mind, thinking that everyone that had more than me was an asshole. I can’t exactly remember my thoughts, but would be something like this, “These rich people, with fake tans, I bet you are not happy”, or “look at this couple coming from this Porsche, I bet they don’t fuck for three years”.

Can you blame that guy with 20 years old, and frustrated with life? I don’t think so; experience is still teaching him. However, there was this guy that I loved. Not just because he would tip me 50 euros every time he would go to the hotel. Well, a big part was because of that but also because he was just one of the nicest people that I met. I couldn’t believe it. A rich guy can’t be that nice. Why is he smiling at me? Why is he asking for my name? He was such a nice guy that I had a deal with the receptionist. Every time he wants to check in/check out; you call me. Even if I am not in the hotel, I will run and do it. Seriously.

The afternoon that everything changed

One day, he did something that till this day still amazes me.

I noticed he was there, in the lobby, straight away, I was upset; they did not call me. But I also didn’t see his beautiful Porsche in the garage.

So I asked him.

“Dr Gerteis? I didn’t know you were here?” I asked with a huge smile on my face.

“Ohhh yes Pedro, I arrived this morning. Your colleague did my check-in; they said you were busy.” He replied kindly.

“But I just came from the garage, and I didn’t see your “beauty”!” I said just trying to still redeem from the fact I couldn’t make it.

“No, that’s my winter car. Today, I brought my summer car.” Said Dr Gerteise with a massive smile on his face.

“Nice!”, I said, thinking that I couldn’t even buy a used car and this guy talking about summer and winter cars.

“Well, when are you free?” Asked Dr Gerteise.

“I am free tomorrow,” I replied, not knowing what to expect next.

“Well, just take the car and go for a ride!” said Dr Gerteise without any hesitation on his voice.

I honestly thought he was joking, but he did give me the car key of a brand new Porsche Carrera 911 and advise the receptionist that if they saw me going out with his car, was with his consent.

I was speechless.

The next day, I went for a ride, through Austria. Drove for hours and hours, felt like a true king. Abusing the power of that beast and turning the radio the highest I could. It was a particularly good day. Next day, I gave him the key from the car still so surprised with what he did. And I asked him.

“Why did you lend me your car? I could have done something wrong!”

And he said, “Pedro, I achieved a moment in my life, that seeing others happy is worth more than any quantity of money! I hope you had a good day yesterday.”

Those words stuck with me for a long time.

Dr Gerteis, you taught me something that day. You taught me that I shouldn’t judge people for what they have. You taught me that money is not everything in life. And your happiness was genuinely contagious. You became an anonymous mentor.

Since I left that hotel, with sadness, I never saw Dr.Gerteise again. But I still believe one day we will cross paths again!

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose



Pedro Teixeira
Pedro Teixeira

Written by Pedro Teixeira

If you come in seek of knowledge let me stop you right there! Just joking, welcome aboard and join me on my daily writing …

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