Why the Hell are We Scared ?!
Why are we so scared of doing something new? Are we scared of failing? Are we scared of meeting new people? Are we scared of starting from zero again?
Probably one of these three motives is more than enough to not do it and just keep doing what we are good at, where we feel comfortable and accepted!
I got you, I do the same. I don’t change sport because I don’t want to be the new guy who plays the worst, I don’t talk with new people because I feel that I have enough friends… But, in the end, that makes me question myself.
What am I afraid of?
I tell you; I am afraid of change!
Scared that my life is not going to be what I envisioned if I do this or that. Fresh news, we don’t have any control of our life, we have control of our decisions. How many times we planned something, and it happened in a completely different way? Do not even bother to count it, A LOOOOOT!
I am not saying that planning isn’t good, planning is great! Fearing planning new things, not that great!
Imagine how many talents we can have inside us and we will never find out just because we accept our life the way it is, and it is meant to be like this, BULLSHIT!
It’s not meant to be like that, we have total control over our decisions. We are the ones who decide what to do with our present!
So I have a new challenge!
A challenge that evolves making a new thing every day, as small that thing might be, doesn’t matter. Escape from your routine and challenge yourself daily, paint your kitchen green just because you thought the white was too boring for you.
I will do this challenge with you and will come back to this theme in a month to see what am I making different. If we start changing our routine with small steps, I have no doubt that in a month our routine will be completely different from today.
And why is that good?
A new thing will make us feel more excited, more alive. Yes, ALIVE, instead of falling slowly into a depression, we are rising gradually to a reborn!
Life needs new things, life needs solutions, our brain needs to be challenged.
While I am writing this, I am feeling so excited that I am going to bake a cake, never did one before, so why not?
What are you going to do different today?